About Us
Deals4Delts Finds You Real Savings. Period.
Surfing on the web, it doesn’t take long to realize that there are literally hundreds of websites offering every supplement known to man. What you may not know is that these sites charge the same supplements at considerably different prices.
For Example…
On this website, you would pay $28.95 for this 4 lbs Creatine Complex Mix.
Not to bad, until you realize another website only charges $18.75 for the exact product.
That’s an insane $10 dollar difference that can cost you $60-120/year. And unfortunately, this happens more often then you think. Unless you visit every single online store that offers supplements, you have no way of knowing that you are wasting extra money for identical products.
That’s where deals4delt.com comes in.
How does it work?
- At deal4delts.com, we search and scavenge the internet to find you the lowest prices for your favorite supplements and supplements brands. (We work directly with numerous supplement distributors such as A1Supplements , SuperSupplements, House of Nutrition, World Class Nutrition, ISupplements, Paramount-Supplements, Universal Nutrition Products, Amazing Body Store , Best Price Nutrition, the Vitamin Shoppe and many more.)
- Compare each distributors’ price for the same product(s).
- Present the lowest price to our loyal visitors (And we only service items under $50).
In other words…..
We Find the Lowest Prices
And Give Them To You
We also want to provide you knowledge and insight on supplements so that you will not be waste your hard-earned money nor jeopardize your health. Deals4delts produces articles that give insight and shopping tips to that will help you navigate the supplement industry.
Finally, we want to let you know that we love to hear our customers’ needs. If there are supplements and/or supplement brands you want on the website or want us to tackle an issue in an article, hit us up at our facebook, instagram, and Google+ pages.
It Is All Up To You. 
You demonstrate your unyielding commitment every time you hit the bench and every time you take the field
All of this for the pursuit of glory.
Why should you worry about spending extra money and time looking for the best prices for the supplements that can help elevate your game?
You shouldn’t.
Kari Jackson
Founder, Deals4Delts.com